It’s a BOY!

It’s a BOY!

At the time of writing this we are 21 weeks along and cannot believe that we’ve made it so far so fast! Baby boy and mom are doing great. Measuring roughly 10.5 inches from head to toe and weighing roughly ¾ of a pound……or about 3 hot dogs and buns! Our little bundle is growing rapidly and is already so loved. Miki has recently started to feel him kick and now his kicks and punches are strong enough for Nick to feel if he has his face on Miki’s stomach. Pretty exciting!

“Not a food baby this time!”

“Not a food baby this time!”

We hope you guys enjoyed the gender reveal video, and we couldn’t be more appreciative of the supportive comments as well as those who have sent us gifts for the baby via the registry. You guys really are awesome.

To answer some of the more popular questions we have been getting…..

Are you going to compete or do food challenges?

Miki: I’m completely taking a break from contests and challenges until the baby is here. We’re doing everything we can for a healthy pregnancy and birth

Are the kids excited?

M + N: The kids are ecstatic. Particularly Sylvie when she found out she’ll have another younger sibling. She enjoys being a big sister and is extremely caring. William will probably be more excited when this little one is old enough to play dinosaurs!  

Have you had any cravings?

Miki: so far just lots of fresh fruit. I always like hot sauce but have been craving it more lately. Other than that just canned chili! Weird!

What are the names you’re thinking about?

M + N: For that one we’re going to keep you guys in suspense……also possibly because were not completely decided at this point! Haha!

You also may have noticed another addition to the family…..Dennis! Dennis is an American bully, roughly 15 weeks old and 25lbs. He’s extremely affectionate, loves to chew everything…the kids love him and he’s not super bright……he’s learning though.

Just wanted to update everyone and say another huge thank you for the gifts and kind words. Your support really does mean a great deal to us. Which is why we’re doing our best to bring you new content and keep you in the loop of our “Hungry life”! As always…..thanks for watching, stay tuned……and remember….NO FOOD LEFT BEHIND!

-The Hungry Couple

               Miki & Nick


Pregnancy Update: 29 Weeks!


17 week pregnancy update!